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4 Small Business Social Media Post Ideas To Engage More Customers

Did you know that the average American spends over two hours per day browsing social media? 

This surprising statistic is excellent news for your small business! Social media gives you a valuable opportunity to connect directly with your potential customers and showcase what makes your store such a special place to shop. 

Wondering how to get started on your small business social media journey? We’ve got you covered. 

In this blog, we’ll share our five favorite small business social media post ideas that you can use to engage your customers and boost your sales, plus our top tips for a successful start to your social media efforts. 

How To Get Your Small Business Started on Social Media

Social media is a critical component of any small business marketing strategy. It allows you to reach new customers, show off your high-quality collection of items, and increase your profits. 

While getting started on social media might seem intimidating, taking the first step will be worth it once you see your engagement and sales grow. 

Choosing a Platform for Your Small Business Social Media Posts

The first item on your to-do list is to decide where your small business should post on social media. 

Consider your customers. Which social media platform are they most likely to use? 

If you run a trendy boutique tailored mostly to the preferences of younger shoppers, you might see great results from posting on Instagram. On the other hand, if you own a hardware store that caters mostly to older homeowners, you might find more success by posting on Facebook. 

Choosing the right social media platform will ensure that your social media efforts yield the best possible results. 

How Often Should Your Small Business Post on Social Media?

Sharing your small business social media posts consistently is crucial. 

You’ll want to publish a variety of posts on a regular schedule to ensure that your followers stay engaged with your content and are always excited to see what you share next. 

To keep yourself accountable for posting about your small business on social media, consider creating a content calendar to stay on track. 

Don’t forget to set aside time to interact with your followers when they leave a kind comment or ask a question on your posts. They’ll appreciate this personal touch — and they might be more likely to stop by your store because of it. 

Small Business Social Media Post Ideas

Now that we’ve covered the basics of small business social media, you’re ready to start creating your first posts! Let’s explore some creative small business social media post ideas to build up your content calendar. 

1. Tell Your Small Business Story

What made you decide to turn your small business dream into a reality? How did your store get its start? Why do you love being a small business owner?

Answering these questions via social media is the perfect way to forge a personal connection with your potential customers. In your small business social media posts, tell your followers the compelling story of your small business, and explain why you love doing what you do. 

Here are a few story-driven small business social media post ideas to get you started: 

  • Introduce yourself as the owner of your small business. Explain how and why you opened your store, and encourage your followers to stop by and say hello. 
  • Highlight milestones in your store’s history. Make special posts on anniversaries and remind customers of how your business got its start. 
  • Share why it’s important to shop small. On Small Business Saturday or your community’s local small business-focused shopping days, head to social media to explain to your followers what it means to support businesses like yours. 

2. Introduce Your Team

Team member spotlights are a customer and employee favorite when it comes to small business social media posts. 

These types of posts are a fantastic way to introduce the friendly faces that your customers will see when they stop by your store, and they’re also a great way to make your employees feel valued and appreciated. 

Your team member introductions should include a picture of your employee in action, plus a short bio explaining how long they’ve worked for your store, why they love their job, and what their favorite products are. 

To get inspired, check out how this plant store uses their team members to create friendly social media content. 

3. Spotlight Customers’ Favorite Products

One of the best ways to leverage social media for your small business is by sharing your bestselling products. 

If your regular customers seem to love a particular item, include it in a post and let your followers know that it’s flying off the shelves! This will create a sense of urgency and encourage new shoppers to pay your store a visit. 

Another effective small business social media post idea is to tie in these product-focused posts with seasons and holidays. For example, if you own a boutique, you can highlight some of your best products in a gift guide as the winter holidays approach. If you own a garden center, you can encourage your followers to get their yards ready for the spring and summer and share your lawn care essentials. 

Here’s a great example! This locally owned hardware store used their Facebook page to let their followers know about an upcoming winter storm — and where they can find all the supplies they need to stay warm. 

4. Highlight Your Promotions and Special Offers

If your store is running a sale, posting about it on social media is a must. 

Smart social media posts can multiply the success of your special offers and promotions by expanding your reach and bringing customers new and old through your door

Here are a few unique small business social media post ideas to spread the word about a limited-time sale: 

  • Post a countdown to create urgency and encourage your customers to visit your store soon. 
  • Take photos of your signage and displays to show your followers what they’re missing out on if they don’t stop by. 
  • Offer social media-exclusive coupons to turn your followers into loyal customers

For a holiday-themed example, see how this on-trend boutique brought attention to their holiday sale

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